Whiz Juniors - Rules & Regulations
WhizJuniors Competition is India's Biggest Technology Learning Platform that enhances tech skills of young students.
We are in search of India's tech genius.
We invite students to participate in India's premier tech competition & represent their school & city.
Registration for the competition open till 31st Dec 2017.
Activated account means once the child pays the subscription amount, they are eligible for learning all the courses and participate in all the competitions.
Terms & Conditions
- The activation will be from the day amount paid till the validity of the package purchased
- Student will not be able to access and play other courses once the activation expires
- National Rank visibility
- Access to all the Courses on Whizjuniors
- Participation in various competition on WhizJuniors. Like Daily, Monthly & Annual competition
- By participating in WhizJuniors.com you agree to comply with whizjuniors terms of service
- By entering, paying, subscribing, activating, purchasing any credits or any kind of money transactions done on Whizjuniors.com, you represent and warrant, personally and through your parent or legal guardian, that your entry, and your participation is voluntary and with full consent of Parent, Legal Guardian or whomsoever it may concern
- Any kind of transaction done by the User is in no way forced by us. Whizjuniors.com cannot be blamed or defamed with any such claims
- Prizes once announced must be claimed within 3 Months from the date of Announcement. The Claims stand void after the stated period
- 1 certification is compulsory to get a prize
What are Coins?
- Students can perform various tasks to earn Coins. Like Profile update, learning the Courses, Solving course challenges, Certify, participate in Challenges & Competitions
- Every coin earned helps you stay ahead from others Whizjunior’ite and increases your Rank – Nationally, Groups Wise, and School Wise
- Coins can be viewed on the Dashboard
What different coins can you earn?
- Overall Coins : Every coin that you earn on Whizjuniors is added to your overall coins. These coins define your National and other Ranks
- Googler Coins : These are the coins that participants earn by completing task og Google Suite section for annual competition.
These coins define participant’s ranks and positions for Annual competition - Monthly Coins : These are the Googler coins that Students earn for the Month.
These coins define Student’s ranks and positions for Monthly competitions - Weekly Coins : These are the Googler coins that Teachers earn for the Week.
These coins define Teacher’s ranks and positions for Weekly competitions - Daily Coins : These are the Googler coins that Students earn for the Day.
These coins define Student’s ranks and positions for Daily competitions
What happens to Coins?
- Coins earned by students in 2017 will be reflected as Previous Year Records that is 2017 Coins on student/teacher dashboard
- Coins earned by students in 2018 will be reflected as Overall Coins in their dashboard.
- The learning and score records will not be changed or affected.
What are Ranks?
- Rank is a recognition of a Position that participant gets
- Participant can increase and gain a Rank his/her Age group wise, among his/her School friends and Nationally among all Whizjunior’ite
- There are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual, School and City ranks and positions that a Participant can play for
Terms & conditions
- The coins are earned by students on various activities and they cannot be purchased
- The coins are not transferable to any other WhizJuniors account
- The coins cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for any other services
- The coins will be calculated for a year. In every new year Participants can see earn coins for that year and record of past year’s coins will be maintained on Participant’s account.
What are credits?
- Credits are used to certify and participate in various tasks/challenges.
- Participant need to purchase the Credits from his/her WhizWallet as per Credit
- Credits can be viewed from participant’s Dashboard and WhizWallet
Terms & conditions
- The credit cannot be redeemed for cash or exchanged for any other services
- The credits are not transferable to any other WhizJuniors account
- You can view your credits on your “WhizWallet” page
- The use of Credit is completely done by and with full consent participant and it is no way forced by WhizJuniors
- By purchasing the Credits or any kind of money transactions done on Whizjuniors.com, you represent and warrant, personally and through your parent or legal guardian, that your entry, and your participation is voluntary and with full consent of Parent, Legal Guardian or whomsoever it may concern
- The purchase of Credit is done by the User is in no way forced by us.
Whizjuniors.com cannot be blamed or defamed with any such claims - Student are liable to receive Free credits only if the Challenge/competition/task stats the same
What are prizes?
- On winning various Competitions on whizjuniors a participant can win prizes
- These prizes can be coins, credits or physical goods
- The prizes that participant can win will be mentioned in the competition itself
- These prizes are given to a participant only if they are verified students who have submitted ethical work and have not violated and rule of the Whizjuniors
- Prizes once announced must be claimed within 3 Months from the date of Announcement. The Claims stand void after the stated period
- 1 certification is compulsory to get a prize
- These prizes are given to a participant only if they are verified students who have submitted ethical work and have not violated and rule of the Whizjuniors
- Participant’s account must be activated to be eligible for receiving a prize
Certify Yourself & Get Recognized Globally!
WhizJuniors activated students can enroll for certification of each course
- Eligibility - All the activated students have to redeem one credit each to certify for each course.
- To solve Online Multiple Choice Questions
- Create a Project Video on the topic assigned for the Course
- MCQ - 50 Marks for 25 MCQs
- Project - 50 Marks for 25 MCQs
- Minimum passing marks - 75 Marks
- Each marks earned equals to 200 coins. Eg – If you score 80 Marks you get 16000 Coins
- If a participant fails he/she can reattempt as many time he/she wants, using Credits
- If a participant does not clear the exam, marks shall not be converted into coins
- Validity to reattempt for Certification is One year
How do you certify?
- Participant needs to click on Get Certified against the course they wish to certify
- Participant must use Credit and agree to Rules and Regulations before starting with Certification process
- Participant must complete Certification process within 72 hrs of enrolling it
- As the first step of Certification test with 25 question is attempted
- Once participant submit MCQ, they will need to submit the project
- This project video must include screen, face and narration of participant
- As per the judging criteria project will be verified by Experts within 24 hours of upload
- If participant scores 75 and more then they will be able to view and download the certificate for that course
- If participant scores 75 and more then their scores will be converted into coins
- On scoring less than 75 participant does not get certificate or coins
Things to Remember for Certification
- You can create project video in software that allows recording of webcam, screen and narration. Softwares that can be used [Screencast-o-matic, bandicam, camstudio]
- You must read instructions of project and then create the video accordingly
- You must explain how you have made the project, explain how you have used all the features
- Time limit for the video should be as per the project instructions
- In case if participant fails, they must read the Remarks and try to correct next submissions
- Expert’s marks and remarks are final and credibility of the same cannot be questioned
- Inappropriate content will be disqualified & student account can be suspended for repeated actions
What it is?
The WhizJuniors Competition 2018 gives an opportunity to shine as the best Googler among all participants of India
By learning Google courses you develop skills that will help you in your day-to-day life along the way. Who knew just by learning all about your favourite online buddy Google could earn you knowledge, recognition and lot of rewards and prizes. The competition starts from December 15, 2017 and ends on January 31, 2018
When this competition runs?
The competition starts from December 15, 2017 and ends on January 31, 2018
What you need to do?
All you need to do is complete the Courses and Tasks mentioned under the Google Suite Section of your Dashboard
Only the students and teachers who have finished all Google Certifications under the Google Suite Section will qualify for the Prizes
The coins that you earn by completing tasks under Google Suite section are calculated as Competition Coin and are used for the Annual event
Participant with maximum Competition coins on 31st January 2018 wins the Competition
How do you participate?
If you have subscribed to WhizJuniors on monthly or annually then you will be automatically be participant of this competition and you can start playing for it
If you have not subscribed to WhizJuniors then you can Click on Participate now Button on your dashboard
Confirm the Participation : Please note you cannot participate unless you have subscribed to WhizJuniors Monthly or Annually.
So confirming participation will take you to the Subscription page where you can buy, subscribe and participate in Competitions
How to play for this competition
- Register and Log into Whizjuniors.com
- Make sure you have participated in annual competition
- Start attempting courses and tasks of Google Suite Section from your Dashboard
- Play the quizzes once you have learnt a course
- Practice by solving practicals and earn coins
- Certify for courses and prove the skills you learnt and get Internationally Accredited Certificate
- Learn, complete challenges and earn Maximum Coins to Win the Prizes and Competition
Who can win WHIZGOOGLER 2018?
All the subscribed WhizJuniors Students, Teachers and Schools from across India can participate in The Annual Competition WhizGoogler 2018
Top 7 students from each Group (A, B, C, D) with the Maximum coins on 31st January 2018, 18:00(6:00 pm), wins the competitions and prizes
Top 7 teachers from each Zone (North, East, West, South) with the Maximum coins on 31st January 2018, 18:00(6:00 pm), wins the competitions and prizes
Top 3 Schools from each Zone (North, East, West, South) with the Maximum coins on 31st January 2018, 18:00(6:00 pm), wins the competitions and prizes
Prizes Overview
- Top Students win Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones, Vouchers and Certificates
- Top Teachers win cash prizes up to 1 Lakh rupees and Certificates
- Top Schools win Top Tech Savvy School Award and Certificates
- Top Captains win Community Impact Award and Certificates

Disclaimer : The prizes are not transferable, assignable or redeemable for cash except at competition administrator’s sole discretion in which case a prize of comparable or greater value will be awarded. No substitutions by winner
What is the Monthly Competition?
The Monthly Competition is an opportunity for all WhizJuniors to win exciting, limited period, bumper prizes as you learn and certify for every course, within the specified month.
How to participate?
To participate you need to be registered on WhizJuniors with your unique account
Once your account is set-up and you are signed in, complete as many Courses as possible. On WhizJuniors, every milestone you reach awards you Coins and Gems. Certain tasks like Referring Friends and scoring 100% on quizzes also award you extra Gems.
Throughout the month, earn as many Coins and Gems as you can and if by the month’s end, you manage to score the highest, you will emerge as the ultimate winner.
Who can participate?
Any school student subscribed to WhizJuniors account can participate in the Monthly Competition.
If you don’t have one, you can sign-up from our homepage and get a monthly/yearly subscription as per your choice. You will be able to participate as soon as the subscription is completed.
When will the Monthly Competition be running?
The Monthly Competition will be running from 1st April to 30th April 2019. The winners will be declared on 30th April 2019 at 8.00 pm.
How are the winners selected?
The Monthly Competition winner will be automatically selected on 30th April 2019 at 8.00 pm as the student with the maximum number of Coins and Gems at that instant.
How to play?
- Register/Log on to Whizjuniors.com
- Complete the Quick Tour if you are new or skip to the next step.
- Go through the Courses’ video tutorials so that you can answer the questions on the quizzes correctly.
- Complete all the quizzes — 100% marks score you Gems.
- Every Course comes with a practical to undertake — make sure you don’t miss it.
- Prove your mastery by getting Certified.
- Repeat with as many Courses as possible and try to reach the top.
Prizes Overview
- 1st Prize - Redmi Note 7 Pro
- 2nd Prize - Mi Soundbar
- 3rd Prize - Mi Selfie Stick Tripod
- Gems equivalent to the prize amount will be credited to the winning student’s account as soon as the winners are declared. The mentioned prizes are then supposed to be purchased from the WhizStore by redeeming the Gems.
- The prizes are not transferable, assignable or redeemable for cash except at competition administrator’s sole discretion in which case a prize of comparable or greater value will be awarded. No substitutions by the winner accepted.
What it is?
The WhizJuniors Daily Competitions gives an opportunity to all participant to top for the day and win exciting vouchers
When this competition runs?
The competition runs from 9pm to 9 pm every day
What you need to do?
All you need to do is learn/complete the Courses and Tasks mentioned under the Google Suite Section of your Dashboard
The coins that you earn by completing tasks under Google Suite section are calculated as Competition Coin and are used for the Annual event
Participant with maximum Daily coins at 9:00 pm every day wins the Competition
How do you participate?
If you have subscribed to WhizJuniors on monthly or annually then you can start playing for the day
If you have not subscribed to WhizJuniors then you can Click on Activate now Button on your dashboard to purchase subscription & play daily competition
Please note you cannot participate unless you have subscribed to WhizJuniors Monthly or Annually
How to play for this competition
- Register and Log into Whizjuniors.com
- Make sure you have participated in annual competition
- Start attempting courses and tasks of Google Suite Section from your Dashboard
- Play the quizzes once you have learnt a course
- Practice by solving practicals and earn coins
- Certify for courses and prove the skills you learnt and get Internationally Accredited Certificate
- Learn, complete challenges and earn Maximum Coins to Win the Prizes and Competition
Who can win Daily Competitions?
All the subscribed WhizJuniors Students from across India can participate in Daily Competitions
Top student with Maximum Google coins at 21:00 or 9:00 pm for the day wins the daily Competition
Student who becomes Daily Winner once is allowed to participate for other day as well
Any student can become Daily Winner maximum thrice
Prizes Overview
- Top 3 Students every day win SMAASH vouchers for Games
- 1 Lucky Winner every day from Mumbai and Delhi wins KidZania entry ticket
- Top Schools win Top Tech Savvy School Award and Certificates
- Top Captains win Community Impact Award and Certificates

Disclaimer : The prizes are not transferable, assignable or redeemable for cash except at competition administrator’s sole discretion in which case a prize of comparable or greater value will be awarded. No substitutions by winner
What it is?
The WhizJuniors Weekly Competitions gives an opportunity to all Teacher Participants to top for the Week and win Paytm Cash
When this competition runs?
The competition runs from Sunday 8:30 to next Sunday 8:30 pm
[For Example: Starts on Sunday, 17th December 2017 at 20:30 or 8:30 pm and ends on Sunday, 24th December 2017, 20:30 or 8:30 pm]
What you need to do?
All you need to do is learn/complete the Courses and Tasks mentioned under the Google Suite Section of your Dashboard
The coins that you earn by completing tasks under Google Suite section in particular Week are calculated as Weekly Coins
Participant with maximum Monthly coins on last day of the Month wins the Competition
How do you participate?
It’s Simpe! You just need to have an account as Teachers on Whizjuniors
You can login and start completing the Tasks
How to play for this competition
- Register and Log into Whizjuniors.com
- Make sure you have participated in annual competition
- Start attempting courses and tasks of Google Suite Section from your Dashboard
- Play the quizzes once you have learnt a course
- Practice by solving practicals and earn coins
- Certify for courses and prove the skills you learnt and get Internationally Accredited Certificate
- Learn, complete challenges and earn Maximum Coins to Win the Prizes and Competition
Who can win Weekly Competitions?
All the registered Teachers on WhizJuniors from across India can participate in Weekly Competitions
Top 3 Teachers with Maximum Google coins for the Week wins the weekly Competition
Prizes Overview
- Top 3 Teachers every week win Paytm Cash

Syllabus for each group are as below. All courses can be learned & practiced from website itself after login.
- Basics of computers
- Typing
- MS Paint
- MS Word(Beginners)
- Code.Org
- Cyber Safety
- MS Word (Advance)
- MS Powerpoint (Beginners)
- Scratch
- Canva
- Photo stage
- Cyber Safety
- MS Powerpoint (Advance)
- Google Utilities (Search,Email,Drive,Keep)
- Google Sheets (Beginner)
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Cyber Safety
- Google Sheets (Advance)
- Google Forms
- Become a Youtuber
- WordPress
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Cyber Safety
Benefits to Schools
- Enhances the entrepreneurial skills of young minds with an element of fun learning
- Certifications from accredited institutions
- Detailed analysis and reporting to help students, teachers and parents. Monitor and track student performance and progress
- Blended learning - We are looking at schools using our online platform in their curriculum to provide their students with an improved learning experience
Rules for Weekly Contest
- Top performer of the week wins a MI Band.
- Any one participate among all the groups will be selected as weekly winner.
- The practical file will be verified and corrected, if it is incorrect or not as per instructions then you are not eligible to get a MI Band.
- Student can become a weekly winner only once. If won more than one time shall not be rewarded again.