BLUEJ Java-10th Std
Sub Category
Programming Languages
BLUEJ Java-10th Std
BlueJ is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Java programming language, developed mainly for educational purposes, but also suitable for small-s-
Program to show use of parse functions
Java Program to show the conversion from String to Primitive
Program to accept a character and show in output whether it is upper case/ lower case or digit or special character
Program to print A to Z along with their numeric values 1 to 26
Java program for creating one dimensional and double dimensional array
Java program to accept array and delete element from an array
Accept students' roll number and marks in SDA and sort the marks in descending order
Find the lowest and highest number of the 4x4 matrix
Find the transpose of the 4x4 matrix
String manipulations in Java using BlueJ
Arrange the numbers using Selection sort technique
Arrange the numbers using bubble sort technique
Print only initials with Surname from entered full name string
Arrange strings in descending order using selection sort
Search the list of seven wonders to retrieve wonder of input country name
Find sum of two numbers by invoking a method in which arguments are passed by value
Invoking method using pass by reference
Method overloading to find volume of cube, sphere, cuboid
Demonstrate method overloading in BlueJ without using main method in class
Passing object as a method parameter
Java program to get the student details using Constructors
Demonstrating constructor of a class that calculates and displays either profit percent or loss
Create class sum and private member methods to getValue & display sum of numbers in other class
Java program to find area of rectangle using single inheritence