Shyna Shyna.
ggvy gyg y
Hello World
Basic Calculator
Reverse a String
Number is even or odd
Calculator Modified
Grade Determiner
Parking Fees Calculator
Multiplication Table
Print Even numbers between 1-100
Print Prime numbers between 1-100
Print Left Pyramid
Triangle Pyramid
WAP to print the area and perimeter of rectangle
Whether a number is present in a list
Making a square in turtle
Making a star in turtle
Accept User Data & Print the Output
Performing Mathematical Operations
Calculate the sum of 5 Subjects
Calculate the Simple Interest
Count no of Lowercase characters
Check string is Palindrome or not
Find largest & second largest no
Calculate Average of given numbers
Check if the number is prime number
Check given key exists
Count no of Vowels in given string
Program based on time
Add a Key Value Pair to Dictionary
Make a Simple Calculator
Read a No n And Print the Series
Write program to make Guessing Game
ggvy gyg y
ggvy gyg y